Dr Mont Follick: Finally, with regard to Switzerland, we have there a nation that has not been at war with any other nation for over 300 years. Surely, the home of the world organisation should return there. If not, would it not be better to have some extra-territorial area established for the world organisation in which it would not have a seat in any of the great nations at all? As Russia was excluded from...
Dr Mont Follick: I believe that at that time those countries were in the same realm. They were pawned to pay a dowry for Margaret to marry James III of Scotland. I believe they found 38,000 florins for the Orkneys and they could not find any more so they chucked the Shetlands in for the other 2,000. Trieste is not a new question; it is a pre-last-war question. When I was a student in Italy, students used to...
Dr Mont Follick: The hon. and gallant Gentleman said that Russia was back in Elizabethan times, and yet he says that she is now equipped with the great powers of modern science.
Dr Mont Follick: Would the right hon. Gentleman state what are the intentions of the Russian Government as regards those troops remaining in Bornholm, and when will they come out?
Dr Mont Follick: The hon. and gallant Member said previously that there was no possibility of war with Russia but now he is saying that Japan will bring Russia in against us.
Dr Mont Follick: Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman suggesting that it should be a sort of British Colony? I thought we were objecting to Russia having it.
Dr Mont Follick: It will be an asset.
Dr Mont Follick: asked the Minister of Food whether he will make arrangements to provide additional sweets for children at Christmas, so that they may celebrate the victory parties which will take place then.
Dr Mont Follick: Could not allocations be made for children's parties at Christmas?
Dr Mont Follick: asked the Prime Minster why the published list of those who will accompany him to America at the end of this week to discuss the atomic bomb with President Truman is confined to Foreign Office officials and Service chiefs; and what are the reasons for the exclusion of scientists from the delegation
Dr Mont Follick: I crave the indulgence of the House, this being my maiden speech. I crave it for a two-fold reason, because I am going to raise a question that is little understood in the politics of this House. Before doing so, I was cautious enough to take advice, as a new Member, whether I should be strictly in Order in doing so and was advised to go ahead, because, although it was rather an abstruse and...