My Lords, I too thank the noble Lord, Lord Farmer, for bringing this debate to the Chamber. I believe that this debate is fundamentally about determining the correct policy sequence to achieve economic growth. Do we wait for stability in government finances, even if that means raising taxes and deterring investment today, with the view that investors will return once the economy is...
My Lords, the rules-based international order exists to support two primary goals. The first, as indicated in the title of this debate, is to offer global cohesion, stability and security. The second, I believe, is to provide a foundation for the global economy to grow and prosper. I am speaking in this debate because I believe that economic growth ought to be explicitly part of this...
My Lords, on a number of occasions in your Lordships’ House I have stressed that investors, be they domestic, foreign, international, private or institutional, are willing to tolerate high taxes or regulation, but not both. It is the Government’s job to calibrate and recalibrate this delicate balance in the pursuit of investment and growth. On the rise in employer national insurance...
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