Lord Fairfax of Cameron

Ceidwadwyr Peer


Ceidwadwyr Arglwydd

Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Arglwyddi ar 26 Tachwedd 2015

Swyddogaethau eraill yn y gorffennol

  • Member, AI in Weapon Systems Committee (31 Ion 2023 to 23 Tach 2023)

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill - Second Reading 7 Oct 2024

    My Lords, this Bill and this debate are primarily about passenger railway services but, with the permission of the House, I shall say a very few words about a closely connected form of transport. As a resident of the Isle of Wight, I will talk about the ferry companies serving the island. One of those companies is Wightlink, which, as some noble Lords may know, was part of British Rail before...
  • Independent Schools: VAT Exemption - Motion to Take Note 5 Sep 2024

    My Lords, I too thank my noble friend Lord Lexden for bringing forward this debate. Like many others, I agree with every word that he said. I had intended to speak in this debate in any event, but the pitiful letters that I and many others have received have stiffened my resolve. While this misconceived and ill-thought-through measure was in the Labour Government’s manifesto with the aim of...
  • King’s Speech (4th Day) - Debate (4th Day) 22 Jul 2024

    My Lords, I too congratulate the two main speakers on their impressive —or, in the case of the noble Lord, Lord Petitgas, perhaps it is better to say “formidable”—maiden speeches. I also declare an interest as the co-editor of a forthcoming book, to be published by Springer Nature, on the future of artificial intelligence. In the King’s Speech, the new Government said that they will...

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Lord Fairfax of Cameron

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