Lord Powell of Bayswater

Crossbench Peer


Crossbench Arglwydd

Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Arglwyddi ar 7 Mawrth 2000

Swyddogaethau eraill yn y gorffennol

  • Member, Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (19 Ion 2022 to 30 Ion 2025)
  • Member, National Security Strategy (Joint Committee) ( 6 Tach 2017 to 28 Ion 2021)
  • Member, National Security Strategy (Joint Committee) (25 Mai 2016 to 27 Ebr 2017)
  • Member, Procedure and Privileges Committee ( 8 Meh 2015 to 1 Gor 2019)
  • Member, Constitution Committee (22 Meh 2010 to 30 Maw 2015)
  • Member, European Union Committee (21 Tach 2006 to 8 Ebr 2010)
  • Member, EU Sub-Committee B - Internal Market (21 Tach 2006 to 8 Ebr 2010)
  • Member, Economic Affairs Committee ( 6 Meh 2005 to 8 Tach 2006)
  • Member, EU Sub-Committee C - Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy (26 Tach 2003 to 18 Tach 2004)
  • Member, EU Sub-Committee C (12 Rha 2000 to 20 Tach 2003)

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • NATO Accession: Sweden and Finland - Statement 7 Jul 2022

    My Lords, as probably the only Finnish-speaking Member of this House, could I remind the Minister that Finland, with its 800-mile border with Russia, will be right in the front line of NATO, but also has the bitter experience of having sacrificed a lot of its territory to Russia after the Second World War, most of which was never given back? That means that, in the light of recent Russian...
  • Hong Kong: Human Rights - Question for Short Debate 4 Jun 2020

    My Lords, I draw attention to my declaration of interests. There is nothing unusual about security legislation; after all, Britain made use of emergency legislation during its stewardship of Hong Kong. What matters is how such legislation is implemented in practice. Hong Kong’s Justice Secretary asserts that her department—not its Chinese counterpart —will make all prosecution decisions...
  • Written Answers — House of Lords: Agriculture: Genetically Modified Crops 12 Nov 2010

    To ask Her Majesty's Government what criteria they intend to apply to determine whether plant, fungal and algal products are regulated as food or as medicine after 30 April 2011, in the light of advances in nutrigenomic science illuminating how food bioactive components (nutrients and non-nutrients) can influence gene expression.

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Lord Powell of Bayswater

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