Baroness Gardner of Parkes

Cyn Ceidwadwyr Peer


Cyn Arglwydd Ceidwadwyr

Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Arglwyddi yn 1981

Gadawodd y Tŷ'r Arglwyddi ar 14 Ebrill 2024

Swyddogaethau eraill yn y gorffennol

  • Member, Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee ( 9 Meh 2010 to 27 Tach 2013)
  • Member, Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (11 Rha 2008 to 12 Tach 2009)
  • Member, Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee ( 8 Meh 2006 to 30 Hyd 2007)
  • Member, Information Committee (Lords) (25 Tach 2002 to 7 Mai 2005)
  • Member, Library and Computers Sub Committee (26 Meh 2001 to 7 Tach 2002)
  • Member, EU Sub-Committee D (13 Tach 1984 to 1 Tach 1990)

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • NHS Dentistry - Question 31 Jan 2022

    My Lords, is the Minister aware that so many of the major hospitals are now closing their dental facilities after hours? These facilities were for parents of children who suddenly develop pain—many children hide problems with their teeth until it is so painful that they cannot stand it anymore. It is not good enough: the hours that dentists are able to work and the fact that, on the whole,...
  • Afghanistan - Motion to Take Note 18 Aug 2021

    My Lords, the very large number of speakers on this subject has been matched by the high number of speeches about different aspects of it that have presented widely varying problems. Clearly we are not all satisfied with the present system, and we favour managing and overcoming future difficulties. The personal messages I have had show that the disempowering situation for women is the...
  • Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents - Question 20 Jul 2021

    My Lords, given that England, Wales and Northern Ireland already have the Freedom of Information Act in place, could the Minister comment on whether, after 20 years of that Act, it is due for review to assess its effectiveness and whether it needs to be broadened to cover other bodies?

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Baroness Gardner of Parkes

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