Baroness Howarth of Breckland

Crossbench Peer


Crossbench Arglwydd

Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Arglwyddi ar 24 Gorffennaf 2001

Swyddogaethau eraill yn y gorffennol

  • Member, Ecclesiastical Committee (Joint Committee) ( 9 Gor 2015 to 9 Maw 2023)
  • Member, Adoption Legislation Committee (29 Mai 2012 to 26 Chw 2013)
  • Member, EU Sub Committee D - Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment and Energy (17 Mai 2012 to 30 Maw 2015)
  • Member, EU Sub-Committee D - Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment (22 Meh 2010 to 16 Mai 2012)
  • Member, European Union Committee (13 Tach 2007 to 1 Mai 2012)
  • Member, EU Sub-Committee G - Social Policies and Consumer Protection ( 8 Rha 2003 to 8 Ebr 2010)

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Social Care Reform - Question 2 Sep 2024

    I congratulate the Government on the long-term care planning that they have, and the vision. As a long-term sufferer of cancer and therefore a consumer of both health and social care services over a period of time, I encourage the Minister to take a shorter-term view. Many of us do not have that long to wait for the 10-year plans and thereafter. Something needs to happen quickly, not only to...
  • Adult Social Care - Question 11 Jul 2018

    My Lords, it is good to be back, but very depressing to find that some of the things that were happening when I left are very much the same as I return—in particular, in respect of the Green Paper. The world may be changing radically in other ways, but I find that we have yet another Green Paper to add to the pile of other reports on adult social care. I briefly pay tribute to the health...
  • Children and Social Work Bill [HL] - Report (2nd Day) 8 Nov 2016

    My Lords, I do not have a prepared speech. I came today to listen to the arguments, because this issue is difficult and finely balanced. I think that the Government have come a long way and listened extraordinarily carefully over the summer. I was able to come in during my holiday, to be seen and listened to by officials and to have my hopes and fears for social work heard. I think that a...

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Baroness Howarth of Breckland

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