Lord Swire

Ceidwadwyr Peer


European Union Integration

There have been votes in Parliament on the degree of the UK's integration with the European Union. Specific matters voted on include the UK's opt out from the European Union Police and Criminal Justice Measures and the establishment of a European Union External Action Service.

Photo: tristam sparks

Lord Swire generally voted against more EU integration

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Major votes

  • On 24 Hyd 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio in favour of the UK Government’s proposals for leaving the European Union. Show vote
  • On 23 Hyd 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to remove rights for EU, Swiss and Turkish nationals to pursue business activities in the UK following the UK's withdrawal from the EU. Show vote
  • On 15 Hyd 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to transfer powers to set certain technical environmental regulations from the EU to the UK on the UK's withdrawal from the EU. Show vote
  • On 1 Ebr 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against a permanent and comprehensive United Kingdom-wide customs union with the European Union. Show vote
  • On 27 Maw 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against leaving the European Union on the 12th of April 2019 without a withdrawal agreement. Show vote
  • On 27 Maw 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against a UK wide customs union with the EU. Show vote
  • On 13 Chw 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to make European Union laws regulating converting loans into "securities" for sale to investors effective and enforceable in the United Kingdom. Show vote
  • On 11 Chw 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to allow the Government to update UK law to correspond with EU financial services laws currently making their way through the European legislative process. Show vote
  • On 30 Ion 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to revoke arrangements for cross-border action to tackle infringements of various EU consumer laws. Show vote
  • On 30 Ion 2019: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Draft Maritime Transport Access to Trade and Cabotage (Revocation) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Show vote
  • On 28 Ion 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to confirm the rights of Irish citizens to enter and remain in the UK without permission but to otherwise make European Union, European Economic Area and Swiss nationals, and their family members, subject to UK immigration controls. Show vote
  • On 16 Ion 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to maintain and improve coordination and cooperation between EU member states in the field of policing and justice, particularly in relation to serious organised crime. Show vote
  • On 19 Rha 2018: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on Markets in Financial Instruments (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 Show vote
  • On 19 Rha 2018: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on Draft Accounts and Reports (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 Show vote
  • On 17 Gor 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against making retaining membership of the European medicines regulatory network a government objective. Show vote
  • On 13 Meh 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against making the UK's withdrawal from the EU conditional on seeking, as an objective for the UK's negotiation of the withdrawal agreement, full access to the internal market of the EU rather than merely European Economic Area membership. Show vote
  • On 13 Meh 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against making the UK's withdrawal from the EU conditional on seeking, as an objective for the UK's negotiation of the withdrawal agreement, an international agreement which enables the United Kingdom to continue to participate in the European Economic Area. Show vote
  • On 13 Meh 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against largely retaining the EU "Charter of Fundamental Rights" as part of UK law following the UK's withdrawal from the European Union. Show vote
  • On 13 Meh 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio not to make incompatibility with the general principles of EU law actionable in the UK courts following the UK's withdrawal from the union. Show vote
  • On 13 Meh 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against steps designed to ensure that the UK’s withdrawal from the EU does not result in the removal or diminution of any rights, powers, liabilities, obligations, restrictions, remedies and procedures that contribute to the protection and improvement of the environment. Show vote
  • On 17 Ion 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. Show vote
  • On 17 Ion 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. Show vote
  • On 20 Rha 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against the UK retaining the EU's common customs tariff and common commercial policy. Show vote
  • On 13 Rha 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to allow ministers to withdraw the UK from the European Economic Area, the European single market. Show vote
  • On 12 Rha 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to allow laws which were required by the UK's membership of the European single market to be weakened, removed or replaced by Ministers after the UK's withdrawal from the EU. Show vote
  • On 21 Tach 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights remaining part of UK law on the UK's withdrawal from the European Union. Show vote
  • On 21 Tach 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against retaining general principles of EU law derived from EU treaties, direct EU legislation and EU directives, as part of UK law after the UK leaves the EU, and voted to only retain those general principles deriving from European Court [of justice] case law. Show vote
  • On 21 Tach 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against requiring the UK Government to report on changes to EU legislation which form part of UK law, and against requiring the Government to consider adopting such changes to ensure that the rights of workers and employees in the UK are no less favourable than they would have been had the UK remained a member of the EU or EEA. Show vote
  • On 14 Tach 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to end the supremacy of EU law in domestic law and to remove the mechanism which enables the flow of new EU law into UK law. Show vote
  • On 14 Tach 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio not to require courts or tribunals to have regard to anything done on or after exit day by the European Court, another EU entity or the EU. Show vote
  • On 11 Med 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to end the supremacy of EU law in UK law; to convert EU law into domestic law on the UK's exit from the European Union and to give ministers the power to correct deficiencies in retained EU law. Show vote
  • On 11 Med 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to end the supremacy of EU law in UK law; to convert EU law into domestic law on the UK's exit from the European Union and to give ministers the power to correct deficiencies in retained EU law. Show vote
  • On 13 Maw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against guaranteeing EU derived rights, and the potential to acquire residency rights, for EU and EEA citizens legally resident in the UK. Show vote
  • On 8 Chw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to empower the Prime Minister to give notification of the United Kingdom's intention to leave the European Union. Show vote
  • On 8 Chw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against the UK remaining a member of the European Atomic Agency Community (Euratom) when withdrawing from the European Union and against treating leaving Euratom separately from leaving the European Union. Show vote
  • On 8 Chw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to empower the Prime Minister to give notification of the United Kingdom's intention to leave the European Union. Show vote
  • On 1 Chw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to empower the Prime Minister to give notification of the United Kingdom's intention to leave the European Union. Show vote
  • On 1 Chw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to empower the Prime Minister to give notification of the United Kingdom's intention to leave the European Union. Show vote
  • On 7 Rha 2016: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio in favour of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union and in favour of starting the process by 31 March 2017. Show vote
  • On 14 Med 2016: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on UK Withdrawal from Membership of the European Union Show vote
  • On 14 Maw 2016: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to take account of carbon dioxide emissions traded via the European Union to Emissions Trading Scheme when calculating the state of the UK carbon account for periods from 2028. Show vote
  • On 9 Maw 2016: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against the UK opting into a proposed EU directive on combating terrorism; supporting work directly with other countries and recognising that national security is a matter for individual nations. Show vote
  • On 14 Rha 2015: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to support the Government's decision not to opt into a European Union response to disproportionate migration into certain states involving measures to relocate individuals in need of international protection (asylum). Show vote
  • On 10 Tach 2014: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio for continued close working between the UK and other European Union states on criminal justice as well as for associated data protection measures. Show vote
  • On 27 Ion 2014: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on European Union (Approvals) Bill — Clause 1 — Limitation of Scope of Europe for Citizens Programme Show vote
  • On 27 Ion 2014: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on European Union (Approvals) Bill — Third Reading — European Archives and Europe for Citizens Programme Show vote
  • On 22 Ion 2014: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to support the that view that promoting jobs and growth in the EU, including by completing the EU Single Market, is the top priority. Show vote
  • On 17 Ion 2014: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on Benefit Entitlement (Restriction) Bill Show vote
  • On 13 Ion 2014: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on European Union (Approvals) Bill — Second Reading — European Archives and Europe for Citizens Programme Show vote
  • On 4 Rha 2013: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on European Union (Definition of Treaties) (Colombia and Peru Trade Agreement) Order 2013 Show vote
  • On 15 Gor 2013: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to opt into Europol's European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation and Training so long as Europol is not given the power to direct national law enforcement agencies to initiate investigations or share data that conflicts with national security; and against considering the views of the Association of Chief Police Officers when deciding when to opt in. Show vote
  • On 6 Tach 2012: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio for the UK to be involved in a European Supervisory Authority, the European Banking Authority. Show vote
  • On 24 Ebr 2012: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio in favour of EU data sharing for criminal justice purposes. Show vote
  • On 23 Tach 2011: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to support stronger governance of the Schengen area and adding Bulgaria and Romania to it. Show vote
  • On 14 Med 2011: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against an EU Directive on the right of access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings and on the right to communicate upon arrest Show vote
  • On 23 Maw 2011: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio in favour of the creation of the European Stability Mechanism to give financial assistance to Eurozone countries in need. Show vote
  • On 9 Chw 2011: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to support the Government's position that the UK should not contribute to the European Stability Mechanism and financial assistance for Euro area Member States should primarily be provided by other euro area Member States. Show vote
  • On 25 Ion 2011: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against requiring a referendum prior to UK giving emergency financial assistance via the EU to member states other than the Republic of Ireland. Show vote
  • On 14 Rha 2010: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to work closely with the European Commission to deliver a strong, principles-based framework for financial sector corporate governance. Show vote
  • On 14 Gor 2010: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to establish the European Union External Action Service. Show vote
  • On 11 Maw 2009: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on Deferred Divisions — second strategic energy review and european energy networks Show vote
  • On 11 Maw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Third Reading Show vote
  • On 5 Maw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Clause on 'Commencement' of the Bill should remain in the Bill Show vote
  • On 4 Maw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Clause on 'parliamentary control of decisions' to remain in the Bill Show vote
  • On 3 Maw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Accept the changes of terminology in the Lisbon Treaty Show vote
  • On 3 Maw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Increase of powers of European Parliament Show vote
  • On 27 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Enshrine the Lisbon Treaty into UK law Show vote
  • On 21 Ion 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Second Reading Show vote
  • On 19 Tach 2007: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar European Communities (Finance) Bill — Second Reading Show vote

Minor votes

  • On 4 Med 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against requiring the Prime Minister to seek a delay to the UK leaving the EU until 31 January 2020 unless MPs have approved either terms of a withdrawal agreement, or withdrawal without an agreement. Show vote
  • On 4 Med 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against requiring the Prime Minister to seek a delay to the UK leaving the EU until 31 January 2020 unless MPs have approved either terms of a withdrawal agreement, or withdrawal without an agreement. Show vote
  • On 3 Med 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against enabling the House of Commons to pass a bill to require the Prime Minister to seek to delay withdrawal to prevent the UK leaving the EU without a withdrawal agreement, unless doing so is approved by MPs. Show vote
  • On 25 Meh 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to exclude wind and water turbines from a special reduced rate of VAT applying to the supply and installation of energy-saving materials in residential accommodation. Show vote
  • On 9 Ebr 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against seeking to delay the UK leaving the EU until 30 June 2019. Show vote
  • On 2 Ebr 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to, if the UK withdraws from the EU, remove protections against traders discriminating against customers on the basis of a customer's nationality or location. Show vote
  • On 1 Ebr 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against continued relatively free movement of goods, services, persons and capital between the UK, EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, achieved via membership of European Free Trade Association (EFTA); and against external tariff alignment between the UK and the EU. Show vote
  • On 27 Maw 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against continued relatively free movement of goods, services, persons and capital between the UK, EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, achieved via membership of European Free Trade Association (EFTA), but without a customs union with the EU. Show vote
  • On 26 Maw 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to approve the Government's assessment of the UK's medium term economic and budgetary position for submission to the European Commission. Show vote
  • On 29 Ion 2019: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio voted not to seek to delay the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union; not to rule out leaving without a withdrawal agreement; and against Scotland remaining in the European Union. Show vote
  • On 11 Med 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against making the continued participation of the UK in the European Arrest Warrant a negotiating objective during negotiations over the withdrawal of the UK from the EU. Show vote
  • On 18 Gor 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio for greater partnership and cooperation between European Union members, the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community, and the Republic of Armenia. Show vote
  • On 18 Gor 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to strengthen relations between the EU, its Member States and Cuba Show vote
  • On 18 Gor 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to broaden engagement, dialogue and cooperation with Canada in areas of common interest, such as: human rights and democracy, international peace and security and effective multilateralism, economic and sustainable development, and justice, freedom and security. Show vote
  • On 18 Gor 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to strengthen cooperation between the EU, its Member States and Australia in a range of sectors of mutual interest. Show vote
  • On 18 Gor 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to consolidate and strengthen cooperation between the EU, its Member States and New Zealand in a range of sectors of mutual interest. Show vote
  • On 17 Gor 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against making it a UK negotiating objective to establish a free trade area for goods between the UK and the EU and, if that cannot be agreed by the 21st of January 2019, against making reaching an agreement to enable the UK’s participation in a customs union with the EU a negotiating objective. Show vote
  • On 13 Meh 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against making the UK's withdrawal from the EU conditional on a statement on how the UK's continued participation in a customs union with the EU was sought during negotiations on the withdrawal agreement. Show vote
  • On 23 Ion 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against a transition period of at least two years for the transition to a domestic nuclear regulatory regime from the framework provided via the European Atomic Energy Community. Show vote
  • On 17 Ion 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against requiring an agreement for the UK to remain a member of the EU single market and customs union before allowing ministers to make regulations to implement an agreement on the UK's withdrawal from the EU. Show vote
  • On 16 Ion 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to preserve, on the UK's withdrawal from the EU all rights, powers, liabilities, obligations, restrictions, remedies and procedures present in UK law as a result of the UK's membership of the EU. Show vote
  • On 16 Ion 2018: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against retaining a EU "Charter of Fundamental Rights" as part of UK law following the UK's withdrawal from the European Union. Show vote
  • On 20 Rha 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against a transition period of at least two years prior to implementation of an agreement on the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union during which existing arrangements with the EU covering trade, security, regulations and financial contributions would be maintained. Show vote
  • On 14 Tach 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against requiring the consent of the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales and the Northern Ireland Assembly for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. Show vote
  • On 19 Ebr 2017: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on Government Assessment of Medium Term Economic and Budgetary Position for Submission to the European Commission Show vote
  • On 8 Chw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against requiring the Prime Minister to give a series of undertakings before giving notification of the United Kingdom's intention to leave the European Union. Show vote
  • On 8 Chw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against seeking to protect the residence rights of citizens of the European Union and their family members who were lawfully resident in the United Kingdom on 23 June 2016. Show vote
  • On 8 Chw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against requiring notice of the UK's withdrawal from the EU to preserve rights acquired in Northern Ireland as a result of European Union membership and against requiring the notification to preserve the right of the people of Northern Ireland determine for themselves if they prefer a union with Great Britain or a sovereign united Ireland. Show vote
  • On 7 Chw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio not to prevent the Prime Minister giving notification of the United Kingdom's intention to leave the European Union if the European Council have not undertaken that if the United Kingdom Parliament doesn't agree the terms of the United Kingdom's leaving of the European Union the United Kingdom's will remain an EU member under the existing terms. Show vote
  • On 7 Chw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio not to make publication of an assessment of the financial liability of the UK towards the EU, and a statement on the economic impact of the UK leaving the single market, a prerequisite for the Prime Minister giving notification of the UK's intention to withdraw from the EU. Show vote
  • On 6 Chw 2017: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against only allowing the Prime Minister to give notification of the United Kingdom's intention to leave the European Union a month after the approach to, and objectives for, withdrawal negotiations have been agreed by representatives of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland administrations. Show vote
  • On 7 Rha 2016: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio in favour of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union and in favour of starting the process by 31 March 2017. Show vote
  • On 6 Gor 2016: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on EU Nationals Currently Living in the UK — Right to Remain Show vote
  • On 15 Meh 2016: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to say the UK needs to stay in the EU. Show vote
  • On 23 Maw 2016: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to approve the Government's assessment of the UK's medium term economic and budgetary position for submission to the European Commission. Show vote
  • On 24 Chw 2016: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to require digital tachographs which use satellite positioning, and can be read remotely, to enforce rules on driving time and rest periods for certain lorries and buses. Show vote
  • On 19 Tach 2014: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio for the UK to rejoin a series of European Union schemes for closer police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters. Show vote
  • On 30 Ebr 2014: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to approve the Government's assessment of the UK's medium term economic and budgetary position for submission to the European Commission. Show vote
  • On 15 Gor 2013: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against committing to continue participation in the European Arrest Warrant and other schemes when opting out of police and criminal justice measures. Show vote
  • On 15 Gor 2013: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to opt out of all EU police and criminal justice measures adopted before December 2009 Show vote
  • On 22 Ebr 2013: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on Government assessment of medium term economic and budgetary position for submission to the European Commission Show vote
  • On 31 Hyd 2012: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio against calling on the UK Government to seek a real terms cut in the European Union budget Show vote
  • On 13 Rha 2011: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to commend the Prime Minister for refusing to sign up to an EU Treaty without safeguards for the UK. Show vote
  • On 24 Mai 2011: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to dilute proposed opposition to EU bailouts of countries in financial trouble. Show vote
  • On 10 Tach 2010: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on European Union Economic Governance Show vote
  • On 17 Maw 2009: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on Data Retention (EC Directive) Regulations 2009 — Retention of Communications Data by Communications Providers Show vote
  • On 10 Maw 2009: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Motion to reject the European Working Time Directive — rejected Show vote
  • On 5 Maw 2008: Lord Swire wedi pleidleisio to seek to enable a referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union. Show vote
  • On 5 Maw 2008: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on Lisbon Treaty — The Treaty does not affect the supremacy of the UK parliament — rejected Show vote
  • On 4 Maw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Parliamentary control of decisions made at the European Union level — rejected Show vote
  • On 27 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to climate change — rejected Show vote
  • On 27 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to climate change Show vote
  • On 26 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to the European Union's institutions — rejected Show vote
  • On 26 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to the European Union's institutions Show vote
  • On 26 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Exclude the European Union from regulating the conservation of marine biological resources — rejected Show vote
  • On 25 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to international development — rejected Show vote
  • On 25 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to international development Show vote
  • On 20 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to foreign affairs — rejected Show vote
  • On 20 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to foreign affairs Show vote
  • On 20 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Remove foreign policy role of the President of the European Council — rejected Show vote
  • On 6 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to the single market — rejected Show vote
  • On 6 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to the single market Show vote
  • On 6 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Prevent competition rules from becoming an exclusive policy area of the European Union — rejected Show vote
  • On 5 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to human rights — rejected Show vote
  • On 5 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to human rights Show vote
  • On 5 Chw 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Exclude human rights from the policy area of the European Union — rejected Show vote
  • On 30 Ion 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty in relation to energy — rejected Show vote
  • On 30 Ion 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty in relation to energy Show vote
  • On 30 Ion 2008: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on Lisbon Treaty — Exclude energy from being a shared policy area in the European Union — rejected Show vote
  • On 29 Ion 2008: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty in terms of justice and home affairs — rejected Show vote
  • On 29 Ion 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Exclude the European Court of Justice's regulations on police and justice matters — rejected Show vote
  • On 29 Ion 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Exclude the European Union's measures on judicial cooperation in criminal matters — rejected Show vote
  • On 28 Ion 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio yes ar Lisbon Treaty — Amendment to proposed Commons timetable for debate — rejected Show vote
  • On 28 Ion 2008: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Lisbon Treaty — Commons timetable for debate Show vote
  • On 12 Rha 2007: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar European Community Documents — Funding of European political parties Show vote
  • On 29 Tach 2006: Lord Swire Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar European Community Documents — European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, and Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme Show vote
  • On 26 Hyd 2006: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on European Union — A Citizens' Agenda Show vote
  • On 16 Mai 2006: Lord Swire was absent for a vote on Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill — Disapplication of European Communities Act 1972 — rejected Show vote

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