Previously called Standing Committees, Public Bill Commitees study proposed legislation (Bills) in detail, debating each clause and reporting any amendments to the Commons for further debate.
There are at least 16 MPs on a Committee, and the proportion of parties reflects the House of Commons, so the government always has a majority.
[Mr. David Amess in the Chair]
[Mr. David Amess in the Chair] CS01 National Childrens Bureau CS02 Mr. Imran Shah CS03 Family Planning Association CS04 Mr. Imran Shah and Ms Betsy Anderson CS05 Mrs. Roxanne Featherstone...
[Mr. David Amess in the Chair] CS13 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health CS14 Children are Unbeatable! Alliance CS15 Dani Ahrens CS16 Rosemary McGruther
[Janet Anderson in the Chair]
CS 17 Childrens Commissioner for England (Dr. Julia Brophy) CS 18 Dr. Ben Anderson CS 19 Association of Lawyers for Children CS 20 Tania Berlow CS 21 Michael Crawshaw CS 22 Tania Berlow,...
[Mr. David Amess in the Chair] CS23 Local Government Association CS24 Sir Mark Potter CS25 Lorena Hodgson CS26 Kelly Green CS27 Louise Thorn CS28 Ceridwen Roberts and Robert George CS29 Michael...
Pupil and parent guarantees
[Janet Anderson in the Chair]
Pupil and parent guarantees
[Mr. David Amess in the Chair] CS33 PSHE Association CS34 Randall Hardy CS35 Newspaper Society CS36 Society of Editors CS37 Autism-in-Mind CS38 Education Otherwise (additional memorandum) CS39...
Pupil and parent guarantees
[Mr. David Amess in the Chair]
Pupil and parent guarantees
Procedure for issuing and revising pupil and parent guarantees
Complaints relating to pupil and parent guarantees
Home-school agreements for each pupil
Home-school agreements: parenting contracts and parenting orders
Parental satisfaction surveys
[Mr. Clive Betts in the Chair] CS40 Home Education Advisory Service CS41 David Hough CS42 Action for Home Education
Parental satisfaction surveys
School inspections: pupils with disabilities or special educational needs
Right of appeal against determination by local authority not to amend statement
[Mr. Clive Betts in the Chair]
Right of appeal against determination by local authority not to amend statement
Exceptional provision of education in short stay schools or elsewhere
Areas of learning
PSHE in maintained schools
PSHE in Academies etc
Sex and relationships education: manner of provision
Exemption from sex and relationships education
[Janet Anderson in the Chair] CS43 Local Government Ombudsman CS44 Local Government Ombudsman (additional memorandum) CS45 Jacquie Cox CS46 John Friel CS47 Newspaper Society CS48 Pamela and Terry...
Exemption from sex and relationships education
Power to provide community facilities etc
Power to form company to establish Academy, etc
Power to propose new schools
School improvement partners
[Janet Anderson in the Chair]
School improvement partners
Provision of Information about Schools, etc
Schools causing concern: powers of Secretary of State, etc
Licence to practise
Home education: England
Home Education: England
Committee membership and attendance (out of 12)
[ Committee memberships can change partway through ]