Previously called Standing Committees, Public Bill Commitees study proposed legislation (Bills) in detail, debating each clause and reporting any amendments to the Commons for further debate.
There are at least 16 MPs on a Committee, and the proportion of parties reflects the House of Commons, so the government always has a majority.
[Mr. Greg Pope in the Chair]
Power to enter into arrangements for discharge of care functions
Restrictions on arrangements under section 1
Effect of arrangements under section 1
Regulation of providers of social work services
Functions under this Part to be social services functions
Piloting and expiry of arrangements under this Part
Border and Immigration Agency: welfare of children
Well-being of children and young persons
[Mr. Greg Pope in the Chair]
Well-being of children and young persons
Provision of accommodation and maintenance for children who are looked after by a local authority
[Hywel Williams in the Chair]
General duty of local authority to secure sufficient accommodation
Independent reviewing officers
[Mr. Greg Pope in the Chair]
Independent reviewing officers
Power to make further provision concerning independent reviewing officers: England
Power to make further provision concerning independent reviewing officers: Wales
Orders under sections 12 and 13: supplementary provisions
Expiry of powers conferred by sections 12 and 13
Duty of local authority to ensure visits to looked after children and others
Independent Visitors for Children Looked After by a Local Authority
Notification to appropriate officer of children in long-term care
Visits to children in long-term care
Visits to children in long-term care
Designated member of staff at school for pupils looked after by a local authority
Entitlement to payment in respect of higher education
Extension of power to make payments in cash
Breaks from caring for disabled children
Power of Chief Inspector where person is failing to comply with requirement relating to children’s home etc.
Independent review of determinations relating to adoption
Extension of period allowed for making regulations under section 45 or 46 of the Children Act 2004
Short title
[Mr. Pope in the Chair]
Chief Social Worker ‘(1) The Secretary of State must appoint a Chief Social Worker to fulfil the functions mentioned in this section. (2) The Chief Social Worker shall be responsible to the...
Early intervention ‘Before a child is committed into care, the local authority must, where appropriate, offer a family group conference and any other reasonable intervention which may...
Looked after status ‘(1) The 1989 Act is amended as follows. (2) After section 85(4) insert “; and (c) in the exercise of their functions under paragraph (b) consider whether the...
Scope of inspections by the chief inspector ‘In section 147 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 (c. 40) (inspection of premises in connection with adoption and fostering functions)...
[Mr. Greg Pope in the Chair]
Scope of inspections by the chief inspector ‘In section 147 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 (c. 40) (inspection of premises in connection with adoption and fostering functions)...
Adoption targets ‘(1) The Secretary of State shall not impose numerical targets for the number of children in local authority care who are to be adopted. (2) The Secretary of State shall...
Responsibilities of parenthood ‘(1) In section 10 of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) (power of court to make section 8 orders), after subsection (9)(b) insert— “(ba) in relation...
Payment of fees ‘(1) Section 49 of the Children Act 2004 (c. 31) (payment to foster parents) is amended as follows. (2) After subsection (4) insert— “(5) Payment of the fee to a...
Medical records of adopted children ‘Local authorities must make provision for the parents of children given for adoption to deposit medical records which may include samples of their DNA...
Duty to consider children’s views in service improvement ‘After section 22 of the 1989 Act insert— “22H Children’s views in service improvement (1) Each local...
Guardians for children with special protection needs ‘(1) As soon as a child under 18 who is separated from both his parents and is not being cared for by an adult who by law or custom has...
Health assessments and care ‘After section 90 of the 1989 Act insert— “Health assessments and care 90A Health assessments and care (1) Where a child is looked after by a local...
Limitation period ‘In seeking to bring a claim for damages in relation to any injury sustained during any period in which C was a looked after child, the limitation period for bringing such...
Duty to assess provision of independent advocacy services ‘(1) A local authority must prepare assessments of the sufficiency of the provision of independent advocacy services (whether or...
Care of young persons up to age 21 ‘After section 22G of the 1989 Act (which is inserted by section 10) insert— “22H General duty of local authority in respect of former...
Committee membership and attendance (out of 7)
[ Committee memberships can change partway through ]