Adoption and Children Bill – in a Public Bill Committee am 5:45 pm ar 21 Tachwedd 2001.
The Nuffield Foundation is a charitable trust established by Lord Nuffield. Its widest charitable object is ``the advancement of social well-being''
The Foundation has a special programme of grant-making in Child Protection and Family Law. The Foundation has supported the research study to stimulate public discussion and development of practice and policy.
The Nuffield Foundation has kindly paid for the printing of this summary, however the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Foundation.
Adoption, Search and Reunion: The Long Term Experience of Adopted Adults by David Howe and Julia Feast is published in March 2000 by The Children's Society (ISBN: 1 899783 30 X).
Priced at £12.95 (plus £1.30 p&p), copies are available from: The Children's Society, Publishing Department, Edward Rudolf House, Margery Street, London WC1X 0JL.
Tel. 020 7841 4415.
Fax 020 7841 4500.
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