Adoption and Children Bill – in a Public Bill Committee am 5:45 pm ar 21 Tachwedd 2001.
Recognition that adoption is a life-long experience and that people's need to access counselling and support services is not time-limited.
The need for improved advice, guidance and support during adolescence for adopted children and adopters when thinking about birth relatives is likely to be particularly strong.
The value of adoptive parents feeling comfortable talking with their children about their origins, background and history.
The value of information about the birth family, including photographs, being available to adopted people during their childhood.
The need for increased publicity for the Adoption Contact Register.
The need for expert and informed counselling and support throughout the search and reunion process.
The provision of intermediary services for birth relatives that is consistent across the country.
The need for an active debate about the provision and character of intermediary services provided for birth relatives.
The value of same-race, matched placements for minimising adopted children's sense of difference and enhancing their sense of self-identity.
The need of policy makers, placement workers and adopters to consider the identity and self-worth needs of children adopted inter-country by providing as much background information as possible about origins and history.
The value of the search and reunion process for many adopted people to help them complete their story, and improve their sense of identity, self-worth and sense of connectedness.
The need to recognise that issues of identity, worth and connectedness raised by adopted adults are likely to be raised by adults born as a result of donated gametes and embryos.
The need for parents of children born as a result of donor assisted conceptions to have access to counselling, information and advice to help support them tell their children and discuss with them their origins, background and genetic make-up.