– in the Northern Ireland Assembly ar 17 Mehefin 2024.
1. Mr Harvey asked the Minister of Justice for an update on the implementation of the Prisons 25by25 programme. (AQO 585/22-27)
2. Mr McMurray asked the Minister of Justice for her assessment of the impact of the recent series of short films created by the Executive programme on paramilitarism and organised crime (EPPOC)...
3. Mr O'Toole asked the Minister of Justice to outline her Department’s engagement with the Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery (ICRIR). (AQO 587/22-27)
4. Ms Bradshaw asked the Minister of Justice for an update on her plans to increase the minimum age of criminal responsibility. (AQO 588/22-27)
5. Mr McGrath asked the Minister of Justice to provide an update on whether an independent inquiry is required into allegations of the surveillance of journalists by the PSNI. (AQO 589/22-27)
6. Mrs Dillon asked the Minister of Justice to outline why her Department has no current plans to legislate for the removal of the injury-on-duty and the police pension scheme for ill-health...
7. Mr Chambers asked the Minister of Justice to outline how she intends to monitor terrorism-related offenders throughout this mandate. (AQO 591/22-27)
8. Ms Ferguson asked the Minister of Justice whether she has any plans to place the role of the Commissioner for Victims of Crime on a statutory footing. (AQO 592/22-27)
9. Ms Hunter asked the Minister of Justice to outline what further reforms are being considered to support rape victims during a trial. (AQO 593/22-27)
T1. Mr O'Toole asked the Minister whether, if she is successful in seeking another office to leave the office that she holds now and as this could be the last time that she is in the Chamber to...
T3. Ms Bradshaw asked the Minister to give an update on the implementation of the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024. (AQT 393/22-27)
T4. Mr Bradley asked the Minister of Justice, notwithstanding the good news that the funding is available for the necessary upgrade at His Majesty's Prison Magilligan, how reductions in the...
T5. Mr Delargy asked the Minister of Justice for an update on any involvement that her Department has had, as we approach the summer, in supporting initiatives that are run by community and...
T6. Mr McReynolds asked the Minister of Justice to join him in condemning the UVF's so-called show of strength in east Belfast at the weekend. (AQT 396/22-27)
T7. Mr Blair asked the Minister of Justice to give an update on the progress that her Department is making on the Gillen review, which she mentioned in an earlier reply, given the wide-ranging...