Mawrth, 4 Mehefin 2024
The Assembly met at 10:30 am (Speaker [Mr Poots] in the Chair). Members observed two minutes' silence.
The first item of business in the Order Paper is Members' statements. The usual rules apply.
Faigheann thart ar 7,500 oideachas trí mheán na Gaeilge inár naíscoileanna, bunscoileanna agus iar-bhunscoileanna. Le fás na Gaelscolaíochta, cuireadh...
[Translation: Around 7,500 children receive a bilingual education daily in our Irish-medium preschools, primary schools and post-primary schools. The growth in Irish-medium education (IME) has...
I congratulate the new mayors and deputy mayors who were sworn in in council chambers across Northern Ireland last night, and I extend my best wishes to those who will have council AGMs later...
Eighty years ago today, ships were gathering to create the largest armada that the world has ever known. The ships were loaded with men and materiel, and, throughout the United Kingdom, people...
Four months ago this week, the Assembly resumed on foot of the DUP/Donaldson deal. On that day, I expounded on how, despite all the spin, it had not removed the Irish Sea border; it had not...
I congratulate Ballynahinch Olympic Football Club on its hugely successful 24-hour sponsored walk and community fun day, which took place on Sunday past. Several members of the club completed a...
Mr Speaker, first, I echo your words from yesterday and send my deepest sympathy to our Member Colm Gildernew and his entire family circle on their unimaginable loss at this time. I assure the...
I wish to highlight Volunteers Week, a week when we celebrate the people who generously give their time and energy to doing things to support others across Northern Ireland. Those people are...
I arrived home last night to an invitation from the Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service to my next donor session. I will take the opportunity to highlight the worthwhile work that it does...
Eamhain Mhacha or Navan Fort, as it is known, is one of Ireland and Europe's most famous and important archaeological sites. Navan features prominently in Irish mythology, especially in the tales...
Tomorrow is World Environment Day, which is a day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. Ahead of it, I pay tribute to some of the groups and organisations in...
I beg to move That this Assembly recognises the essential role of a free press in an open and democratic society; understands that a vital part of that role is the investigation and scrutiny of...
I beg to move That this Assembly notes the alarming prevalence of hate-motivated crimes in Northern Ireland and across these islands; recognises that legislation governing hate-motivated crimes...
It is time for questions to the Minister of Finance. We will start with listed questions.
1. Ms Egan asked the Minister of Finance whether independent celebrants will be included in the marriage and civil partnership Bill. (AQO 525/22-27)
2. Mr Dunne asked the Minister of Finance for her assessment of the impact that the back in business rate support scheme will have on empty retail units. (AQO 526/22-27)
4. Mr Tennyson asked the Minister of Finance, further to the interim fiscal framework, how her Department intends to provide independent evidence to Treasury in relation to the needs-based...
5. Mr Robinson asked the Minister of Finance for an update on the baby loss certificate scheme. (AQO 529/22-27)
6. Ms Bradshaw asked the Minister of Finance whether a bid has been submitted by the Executive Office for the establishment of any of the three bodies required under the Identity and Language Act...
7. Ms Ní Chuilín asked the Minister of Finance to outline how social value policies are being developed within her Department. (AQO 531/22-27)
8. Mr Brett asked the Minister of Finance for an update on funding support for the Northern Ireland Children's Hospice. (AQO 532/22-27)
9. Ms Nicholl asked the Minister of Finance for an update on what engagement she has had with UK Treasury on making improvements to the tax-free childcare scheme. (AQO 533/22-27)
11. Mr Bradley asked the Minister of Finance to outline what steps her Department will take to achieve a regional balance when placing Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) staff in posts. (AQO...
T1. Mr O'Toole asked the Minister of Finance, after pointing out that the Sinn Féin manifesto for the Assembly election in 2022 called for "greater devolution of fiscal powers to better...
T2. Ms Ferguson asked the Minister of Finance whether she agrees that all Departments, including the Department of Health, are under enormous financial pressure, as referenced by the Health...
T3. Ms Bradshaw asked the Minister of Finance to outline what the impact of the 7% cut to capital budgets compared with last year will be. (AQT 353/22-27)
T4. Mr Honeyford asked the Minister of Finance whether she recognises the difficulties that are being caused by the fact that, even though the money is there to pay them, around a third of...
T5. Mrs Dodds asked the Minister of Finance to give her assessment of the Department of Health's claim that it needs an annual rise in its budget of 6% to 7% every year just to deliver the same...
T6. Mr Boylan asked the Minister of Finance to provide a full update on the transformation funding. (AQT 356/22-27)
T7. Miss McAllister asked the Minister of Finance, given that we are now into June, whether she could estimate the quantum of funding that will be available through the June monitoring round....
Debate resumed on amendment to motion: That this Assembly notes the alarming prevalence of hate-motivated crimes in Northern Ireland and across these islands; recognises that legislation...
I beg to move That this Assembly deplores that harmful and damaging conversion practices are still legal in Northern Ireland; recognises that conversion practices can take many forms and can...
I call Nuala McAllister to move the motion on behalf of the Assembly Commission.
In conjunction with the Business Office, the Speaker has given leave to Pat Sheehan to raise the matter of supporting educational achievement in West Belfast. I call Pat Sheehan, who has up to 15...