Northern Ireland Assembly debates

Sadwrn, 3 Chwefror 2024

  • Northern Ireland Assembly

    The Assembly met at 13:00 am (Acting Speaker [Mr Chambers] in the Chair). Members observed two minutes' silence.

  • Assembly Business

    1 araith

    Welcome to today's sitting. Before we commence, I intend to make some personal remarks, and I ask for your indulgence as I will remain seated for this and other items of business. This is the...

    • Election of the Speaker

      42 areithiau

      The first item of business is the election of the Speaker. Section 39(1) of the Northern Ireland Act provides: "Each Assembly shall as its first business elect from among its members a Presiding...

    • Election of the Deputy Speakers

      26 areithiau

      In accordance with section 39 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, we will now commence the election of the Deputy Speakers. The procedure for electing Deputy Speakers will be the same as for the...

  • Committee Business

    • Business Committee Membership

      2 areithiau

      As with similar motions, the motion to appoint the Business Committee will be treated as a business motion, so there will be no debate. Resolved (with cross-community support): That the following...

  • Assembly Business

Beth yw hwn?

The current Northern Ireland Assembly was established in 1998 as part of the Belfast Agreement.

Chwefror 2024
Llun Maw Mer Iau Gwe Sad Sul