Scottish National Party MSP ar gyfer Glasgow Kelvin
Scottish National Party MSP ar gyfer Glasgow Kelvin
Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 8 Mai 2021 — Etholiad
The Scottish Government is clear that the needs of survivors of rape and sexual assault must be the utmost priority of support services. Although we cannot intervene in the running of independent organisations, we are clear that access to separate or single-sex provision for survivors is a legitimate and proportionate response when providing support to rape survivors. We therefore...
A woman is an adult female—that is clear. However, it is simply a fact that trans people also exist and have always done so. That is not new.
The Scottish Government is committed to working with partners across the public and third sectors to embed anti-racism and advance the race equality framework, including through delivery of the anti-racism observatory, as stated in our programme for government for 2024-25. The details of spending commitments are subject to the outcome of spending reviews by the Scottish Government...
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Kaukab Stewart
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