Michael Marra

Llafur MSP ar gyfer North East Scotland


Llafur MSP ar gyfer North East Scotland

Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 8 Mai 2021 — Etholiad

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Senedd yr Alban: Scottish Budget 2025-26 30 Jan 2025

    I am pleased to close the debate on behalf of the Finance and Public Administration Committee. I thank members for their contributions and I thank all the committees and the clerking staff for the work that they have done in the budget scrutiny process. I certainly enjoyed Mr Hoy’s speech. He compared the regular utterances of our committee to the word of God. I also...
  • Senedd yr Alban: First Minister’s Question Time: NHS Tayside (Job Grading) 23 Jan 2025

    I refer members to my entry in the register of members’ interests, which shows that I am a member of the GMB union. In October last year, I raised with the First Minister the case of NHS Tayside district nurses who have been waiting six years for their job grading to be honoured. Shona Middleton and Cathy Fugaccia toiled through the pandemic and served the public of Tayside day...
  • Senedd yr Alban: Women’s State Pensions (Compensation) 21 Jan 2025

    I start by recognising the wrong that was done to so many women born in the 1950s, which was laid out by the independent ombudsman. The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman found that, by failing to alert the women to the changes, there was “maladministration” by successive UK Governments. The result is that many women were let down by the state that they fund and are constituent...

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Michael Marra

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