Ceidwadwyr MSP ar gyfer South Scotland
Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 8 Mai 2021 — Etholiad
The debate rightly centres on the nationwide skills gap in engineering and the impact that that has on growth, opportunities, education and Scotland’s broader economy. Although it is a Scotland-wide problem, all the failures are in evidence at local level, too. The challenges that are being imposed on Ayrshire College are a perfect example. The institution continues to thrive in...
The Scottish Retail Consortium reports that theft has reached record levels, costing businesses £170 million last year, and that violence towards shop workers is on the rise, with an average of 170 incidents every day over the year 2023-24. The situation is spiralling out of control as perpetrators are becoming more brazen. It is clear that thieves simply do not fear committing their crimes....
Fatal accident inquiries have been mandatory for all deaths in custody since 2016, yet Scotland still has one of the highest rates in Europe of suicide in prison. Would the cabinet secretary consider making it mandatory to implement all fatal accident inquiry recommendations so that lessons are learned and we can avoid making the same mistakes again and again?
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Sharon Dowey
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