Karen Adam

Scottish National Party MSP ar gyfer Banffshire and Buchan Coast


Scottish National Party MSP ar gyfer Banffshire and Buchan Coast

Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 8 Mai 2021 — Etholiad

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Senedd yr Alban: Scottish Budget 2025-26 30 Jan 2025

    I am happy to contribute to the debate as convener of the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee. I take this opportunity to remind members of the three principles of human rights budgeting, which are participation, transparency and accountability. As members may recall, our 2024-25 pre-budget scrutiny saw us set out a three-year plan to look at each of those...
  • Senedd yr Alban: General Question Time: Ports and Harbours 30 Jan 2025

    To ask the Scottish Government whether feasibility studies and development expenditure for ports and harbours will be eligible for funding as part of the investment in maintaining and improving ports and harbours that is proposed in its draft budget 2025-26. (S6O-04270)
  • Senedd yr Alban: General Question Time: Ports and Harbours 30 Jan 2025

    Fraserburgh harbour has ambitious plans to develop its infrastructure and be the first port of call for supporting vital Scottish industries—especially offshore wind and our fishing fleet. However, the harbour must also fund, at risk, its necessary development and feasibility works. What reassurance and advice can the cabinet secretary give the harbour? Will she meet me and the harbour...

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Karen Adam

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