Ceidwadwyr MSP ar gyfer Highlands and Islands
Ceidwadwyr MSP ar gyfer Highlands and Islands
Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 20 Mehefin 2017 — appointed
To ask the Scottish Government what percentage of the constitution, external affairs and culture budget for 2024-25 was spent outside of the United Kingdom. (S6O-04257)
In 2023, the Scottish Government gave a total of £750,000 to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East—UNRWA—to support its operations in Gaza. Concerns were then raised about the links between some UNRWA staff and the 7 October attacks, with a number of countries pausing aid to the agency. At the time, the then First Minister, Humza...
As other members have done, I thank Tim Eagle for bringing the debate to the chamber. The number of speakers and the pressure that is being brought to bear highlight just how important the issue of access to health and social care is to those of us who live in rural Scotland and, of course, on our islands, and to our constituents and communities. There are a number of areas that I...
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Jamie Halcro Johnston
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