Alexander Stewart

Ceidwadwyr MSP ar gyfer Mid Scotland and Fife


Ceidwadwyr MSP ar gyfer Mid Scotland and Fife

Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 7 Mai 2016 — Etholiad

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Senedd yr Alban: Alcohol Use Disorder in the Justice System 6 Feb 2025

    As Carol Mochan mentioned, the number of such deaths is at a 15-year high. Even with minimum unit pricing having been introduced seven years ago, it is clear that we still have an emergency and that individuals are slipping through the net. What do we need to do with regard to treatment and rehabilitation for individuals? The report found that individuals said that they would accept support...
  • Senedd yr Alban: Alcohol Use Disorder in the Justice System 6 Feb 2025

    I am pleased to be able to contribute to this afternoon’s important debate, and I thank Elena Whitham for bringing it to the chamber. How alcohol use disorders interact with the Scottish justice system is still not very well understood. Elena Whitham’s motion lays out the key statistics, including the fact that nearly two thirds of people in prison have an alcohol use disorder....
  • Senedd yr Alban: Creative Scotland (Multiyear Funding) 30 Jan 2025

    It is commendable and to be welcomed that Creative Scotland has been awarded the multiyear funding, which will provide more stability for future planning for the arts and creative sector. However, what safeguards have been put in place to ensure that funding is correctly allocated going forward, and that is it is never again distributed to inappropriate projects such as the infamous Rein project?

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Alexander Stewart

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