Ceidwadwyr MSP ar gyfer Highlands and Islands, Cyn Ceidwadwyr MP am Moray
Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 9 Mehefin 2017 — Etholiad cyffredinol
Gadawodd y Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 30 Mai 2024 — Wedi'i ddiddymu ar gyfer etholiad
Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 7 Mai 2016 — Etholiad
Also represented Moray
This has been a good, constructive and important debate. I want to echo the way in which the minister and other speakers opened their speeches and send my condolences and sympathies to every family who has gone through a miscarriage, and give my thanks to people like Louise and Craig Caldwell who, in moments of adversity, deal with their own trauma but want to improve things for others, too....
I did not want to interrupt the minister while she was explaining those important documents. The delivery framework is 54 pages long and the national progesterone pathway is 13 pages long. Was there any reason why the Government could not have shared those documents with members in advance of the debate? An hour is not enough time for us to scrutinise them. Clearly, the Government was aware...
To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the petition, reportedly signed by hundreds of Keith residents and businesses, regarding the disruption caused on the A96 by the on-going works at Union bridge, including the calls for businesses to be compensated for any significant losses during these works. (S6O-04312)
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Douglas Ross
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