Scottish National Party MSP ar gyfer Aberdeenshire East
Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 7 Mai 2016 — Etholiad
I thank members for their contributions to the debate. I know that there is a great deal to be discussed in relation to what GB Energy is going to be and how it is going to be developed, and I want to be involved in those discussions, because I think that there is an issue with what was promised.
I want to reiterate some of the comments that I made in response to Stephen Kerr. I think that it is for Labour members—those who were parliamentary candidates and those members who are sitting in the seats to my right—to answer why the promises that were made about what GB Energy would do will not come to fruition. I had my doubts about those promises from the start. I hope...
Thank you, Presiding Officer, for the opportunity to debate the motion to provide legislative consent to the UK Government’s Great British Energy Bill. I look forward to the discussion ahead. After extensive engagement with the UK Government on certain clauses, we now propose that the Scottish Parliament give consent to the bill. As members might be aware, three UK Government...
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Gillian Martin
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