Llafur MSP ar gyfer Mid Scotland and Fife
Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 23 Ionawr 2014 — Is-etholiad
Also represented Cowdenbeath
The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016, which was passed overwhelmingly by this Parliament, helped to extend the community right to buy to the compulsory purchase of land or a building for the purposes of sustainable development. In Fife, a group of local residents is struggling to get a ministerial decision on its part 5 right to buy application of 31 October 2023. The building that...
I thank members who signed my motion for debate and my business manager for allowing the time for it. I have been consistent in my view that if we are to secure the future of Scotland’s economy, we must be laser focused on ensuring access to education and training in the skills that we need for the future. As policy continues in the direction of a just transition towards a...
When I read the Scottish Tory party’s motion for the debate, I felt a sense of sadness and despair that a mainstream political party in Scotland would put forward such a motion. Many members in the chamber felt that sense of despair, but we were not the only ones to do so. The Church of Scotland and the Scottish Catholic church have issued a statement in which they urge MSPs to resist...
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Alex Rowley
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