Ceidwadwyr MSP ar gyfer Eastwood
Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 3 Mai 2007 — Etholiad
Also represented West Scotland; West of Scotland
To ask the First Minister whether he will join His Majesty the King and other world leaders in commemorating the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz extermination camp and offer his reflections on the theme of this year’s Holocaust memorial day, “For a Better Future”. (S6F-03762)
I welcome the First Minister’s participation in tonight’s event, which I will co-host with my Labour colleague Paul O’Kane. I commend the First Minister and the Scottish Government on their work to ensure that Holocaust education schemes across Scotland are second to none in comparison with those available in the rest of the United Kingdom. It is a real tribute to the efforts...
Will the cabinet secretary take an intervention?
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Jackson Carlaw
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