Scottish National Party MSP ar gyfer Na h-Eileanan an Iar
Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 3 Mai 2007 — Etholiad
Also represented Western Isles
In May last year, the Scottish Government amended permitted development rights to allow solar panels and replacement windows to be installed on domestic and non-domestic buildings in conservation areas without the need for a planning application. That important change strikes an appropriate balance between tackling climate change and protecting important historic buildings and townscapes....
Even in circumstances in which proposals for solar are not covered by the generous permitted development rights that I have mentioned, people still have the option of applying for permission to install panels. That will be a matter for the planning authority, and such applications will be considered, taking account of and weighing up the very supportive renewable energy policy in national...
I thank Paul Sweeney for his question. I know that he is very interested in built heritage. With regard to the member’s point about windows, the permitted development right for the alteration or replacement of windows in domestic or non-domestic buildings primarily means that, in most conservation areas, the front elevation of properties will continue to be under restrictions....
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Alasdair Allan
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