John Home Robertson

Cyn Llafur MSP ar gyfer East Lothian


Cyn Llafur MSP am East Lothian, Cyn Llafur MP am East Lothian

Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 26 Hydref 1978 — unknown

Gadawodd y Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 14 Mai 2001 — Etholiad cyffredinol

Aeth i mewn i'r Senedd yr Alban ar 6 Mai 1999 — Etholiad

Gadawodd y Senedd yr Alban ar 2 Ebrill 2007 — Etholiad

Also represented Berwick and East Lothian

Future MPs in this constituency

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Senedd yr Alban: The Future of Scotland 29 Mar 2007

    Here comes another swan-song, and I am happy to endorse some of the final comments that Brian Monteith made. I appreciate the opportunity to reflect on a long time in two Parliaments and to look to the future of Scotland. I suppose that I have been a foot soldier in the long fight to achieve Scotland's Parliament. I joined the Labour Party to support John P Mackintosh, who was a very special...
  • Scottish Parliament written answers — Energy: Energy 15 Mar 2007

    To ask the Scottish Executive what the value to the economy is of exports of electricity to other parts of the United Kingdom through the national grid, in both financial and employment terms.
  • Senedd yr Alban: Code of Conduct 14 Mar 2007

    The principle of parliamentary democracy is rather important, as it guarantees the accountability of Government, provides for the enactment of legislation and underpins our citizens' liberty, and we cannot have parliamentary democracy without electing members of Parliament. There is something quintessentially Scottish about wanting to have a Scottish Parliament but then not trusting the...

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar John Home Robertson

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