The six recommendations for the Welsh Government following the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse led by Professor Jay were all accepted by the Welsh Government, but concerns have been expressed about the slowness of their implementation and I want to detail some of the concerns that have been raised about this and highlight why their full and urgent implementation are needed, as...
This is an important debate and we must learn from past failures and we must listen to victims and survivors, we must protect children from exploitation, and we must commit to real, lasting change. And I'm sure that every Member here agrees on that. This is why Plaid Cymru has tabled an amendment that takes a victim-centred, evidence-led approach to tackling child exploitation, because we...
Diolch. One in three women will have an abortion over the course of their lives. However, here in Wales, there is nowhere that provides surgical terminations beyond 16 weeks and nowhere that provides any type of abortion at all beyond 20 weeks. If a woman needs access to abortion services beyond this, up to the legal limit of 24 weeks, they must travel out of Wales for treatment, usually to...
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