Of course, yes.
I'm delighted to hear that, if that is the case up in north Wales, but the picture for the whole of Wales is quite alarming, and I'm sure you would agree with that as a Member who represents not just north Wales but sitting here for the whole of Wales. As I was saying about the construction workers per year, 12,000 builders are needed by 2028 to meet the current demand in the construction...
Firstly, our thanks from the Welsh Conservatives go to the fantastic Chair, John Griffiths, and everyone on the committee who took part in producing this report before my time starting on the committee. Thank you to everybody, including my own Member. There is, as the Chair has just outlined, a social housing crisis here in Wales at the moment, and yet the Welsh Government has all but given...
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Laura Anne Jones
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