Well, after the Member's last question, there was some mischief in the press release that was issued by his office. First of all, we are absolutely committed to reforming the NHS dental contract, around the principles of prevention, risk, need and access. Over a 13-month period, officials have been engaged in pretty intensive negotiations to deliver a new model of dentistry that is attractive...
I met with the Cabinet Secretary before Christmas to discuss the challenges with NHS dentistry in north Wales. I was assured that the board is focused on this issue and is making progress with increasing service provision across the region.
Can I thank the Member for his question? Absolutely. I'd be very pleased to have a meeting to discuss what will be the medium- to long-term aspirations, I'd imagine, of himself and the people that he'll bring as part of a delegation. The reason that projects that have been agreed by the Wales rail board have been prioritised in the way that they have been is because of how worked up the...
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Ken Skates
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