Spending on Welfare Benefits
There have been votes in Parliament on the level of spending on welfare benefits. Specific matters voted on include a cap on the overall amount the state spends on welfare each year, the rate of increase of various benefits, and the operation of specific benefits.
Gavin Robinson generally voted against a reduction in spending on welfare benefits
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On 2 Maw 2022:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio to increase the rates of various tax credits and benefits, including Child Benefit, Working Tax Credits and related payments, by 3.1% in line with inflation as measured by the Consumer Prices Index.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 7 Chw 2022:
Gavin Robinson Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar draft Social Security Up-rating Order 2022
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This policy conflicts with:
On 10 Ion 2022:
Gavin Robinson Fe wnaeth pleidleisio no ar Welfare Cap
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On 2 Maw 2016:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio to make the removal of the work-related activity component from employment and support allowance conditional on an impact assessment and to require Parliament to approve details of implementing the change.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 2 Maw 2016:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio to make the removal of the limited capability for work element of universal credit conditional on an impact assessment and to require Parliament to approve details of implementing the change.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 23 Chw 2016:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio to retain the "work-related activity component" in the Employment and Support Allowance.
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On 23 Chw 2016:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio to retain the "limited capability for work" element of Universal Credit.
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On 27 Hyd 2015:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio against reducing the amount people are paid in tax credits.
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On 27 Hyd 2015:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio to retain the "work-related activity component" in the Employment and Support Allowance.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 27 Hyd 2015:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio to retain the "limited capability for work" element of Universal Credit.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 27 Hyd 2015:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio against reducing the household benefit cap, against freezing the rate of many working-age benefits, against reducing social rents in England and against other changes to the benefits system.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 15 Med 2015:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio against reducing the amounts people are paid in tax credits.
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On 20 Gor 2015:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Welfare Reform and Work Bill — Decline Second Reading
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On 20 Gor 2015:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Welfare Reform and Work Bill — Second Reading
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This policy conflicts with:
On 14 Gor 2015:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio against the Summer 2015 budget which, among other measures, increased the minimum wage, replaced student maintenance grants with loans and cut tax credits.
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This vote is also related to:
This policy conflicts with:
On 18 Mai 2022:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Programme for Government — Workers' Rights — Cost of Living — Climate — Benefits — Windfall Tax — Devolution — Human Rights
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This policy conflicts with:
On 24 Ion 2022:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Cost of Living Increases — Income — Poverty — Universal Credit — Energy Payment — Child Payments
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This policy conflicts with:
On 10 Ion 2022:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio to balance the national budget, reduce public sector debt, ensure public sector investment does not exceed 3% of GDP, and to keep spending on welfare under the cap set.
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On 21 Med 2021:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Working People’s Finances: Government Policy
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This policy conflicts with:
On 15 Med 2021:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit
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This policy conflicts with:
On 23 Chw 2021:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Government's Management of the Economy
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This vote is also related to:
On 18 Ion 2021:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio in favour of continuing paying an additional twenty pounds a week to those on Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit beyond April 2021; the additional sum had been introduced for one year in April 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 16 Tach 2016:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Universal Credit and Employment and Support Allowance — Analysis of Impact of Changes on Those with Different Incomes
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On 20 Gor 2016:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio not to cut housing benefit for recipients in supported housing.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 20 Gor 2016:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio for reducing public borrowing and for capping welfare spending.
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On 8 Meh 2016:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Benefit Cuts for Disabled and Ill People Required to Participate in Activities Intended to Increase Their Chances of Obtaining Work
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This policy conflicts with:
On 26 Mai 2016:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Queen's Speech — Human Rights — Steel Industry — Budget Setting Principle
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This policy conflicts with:
On 27 Ion 2016:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio against planned housing benefit cuts applying to those in supported housing.
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On 6 Ion 2016:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio against cutting universal credit benefits for many people in paid work
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On 18 Tach 2015:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Opposition Day — The Economy — Tax Credits — Investment in Science, Technology and Green Jobs
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On 27 Hyd 2015:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio for a transitional scheme to protect those currently receiving tax credits as reductions in the amounts paid are brought in.
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On 20 Hyd 2015:
Gavin Robinson wedi pleidleisio against an impending reduction in the amount people are paid in tax credits.
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On 14 Hyd 2015:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Charter for Budget Responsibility — Aiming for Budget Surplus — Cap on Welfare Spending
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On 4 Meh 2015:
Gavin Robinson was absent for a vote on Queen's Speech — Spending Cuts, Welfare Changes and Trident
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This vote is also related to:
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