Ceidwadwyr MP ar gyfer Skipton and Ripon
Your MP (Julian Smith) represents you, and all of the people who live in Skipton and Ripon, at the UK Parliament in Westminster.
MPs split their time between Parliament and their constituency. In Parliament, they debate and vote on new laws, review existing laws, and question the Government. In the constituency, their focus is on supporting local people and championing local issues. They have a small staff team who help with casework, maintain their diaries, and monitor their inbox.
Ceidwadwyr MP ar gyfer Skipton and Ripon
Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 6 Mai 2010 — Etholiad cyffredinol
Julian Smith campaigned to remain in the European Union Source: BBC
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, whether he is taking steps to prevent health companies based overseas from selling hormone treatments online to people living in the UK.
We in this House often underestimate how many options companies such as AstraZeneca have on where to invest. The Minister is not known for taking no as an answer, so can I urge him to continue to make the case for this investment, be flexible on VFM and keep fighting for this specific deal?
We in this House often underestimate how many options companies such as AstraZeneca have on where to invest. The Minister is not known for taking no as an answer, so can I urge him to continue to make the case for this investment, be flexible on VFM and keep fighting for this specific deal?
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Julian Smith
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