Michael Ellis

Cyn Ceidwadwyr MP ar gyfer Northampton North

@Michael_Ellis1 https://facebook.com/MichaelEllisNorthampton


There have been votes in Parliament on conserving and enhancing biodiversity.

Michael Ellis consistently voted against improving biodiversity

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You can browse the source data on PublicWhip.org.uk. We are in the process of moving away from using the PublicWhip and there may be some discrepancies between the two sites.

Major votes

Minor votes

  • On 20 Hyd 2021: Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio not to only empower ministers to make regulations relating to habits if those regulations improved habitats or were securing compliance with an international environmental obligation. Show vote
  • On 26 Mai 2021: Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio not to require the production of a Tree Strategy for England, including targets for fraction of the country covered by trees, new tree planting and the fraction of woodland in favourable ecological condition. Show vote

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