Academy Schools
Schools with "Academy Status" are given financial independence and freedom from local authority control. Votes have also been held on what requirements ought be made of Academy Schools in relation to admissions, exclusions and personal, social and health education.
Anna Armstrong
Michael Ellis consistently voted for academy schools
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On 22 Maw 2016:
Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio to approve the March 2016 budget which contained plans to spend £56bn more than was expected to be taken in, introduced a policy of requiring all schools to become academies and introduced a new soft drinks levy.
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On 11 Mai 2011:
Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio for more academy schools, free early education for 3 and 4 year olds, restricting reporting on allegations against teachers, and to abolish five education related quangos.
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On 8 Chw 2011:
Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio to allow the establishment of free schools, to abolish a range of teaching related bodies, to allow student loan interest to be charged at market rates, and to allow teachers to search pupils.
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On 26 Gor 2010:
Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio to enable more schools in England to gain "Academy Status" and the consequent financial independence and removal from local authority control.
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On 21 Gor 2010:
Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio against requiring new academy schools to only be built in areas where there is a proven need for additional capacity.
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On 19 Gor 2010:
Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio to enable more schools in England to gain "Academy Status" and the consequent financial independence and removal from local authority control.
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On 19 Gor 2010:
Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio to enable more schools in England to gain "Academy Status" and the consequent financial independence and removal from local authority control.
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On 25 Mai 2016:
Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio not to take the opportunity to oppose good or outstanding schools being forced to become an academy and not to take the opportunity to oppose further increases in university tuition fees.
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On 13 Ebr 2016:
Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio in favour of turning all primary and secondary schools in England to become academies, shifting control over them from local councils to central government.
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On 26 Gor 2010:
Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio to treat applications from schools seeking academy status received before the bill comes into force as if they were applications under the provisions of the bill.
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On 21 Gor 2010:
Michael Ellis wedi pleidleisio against allowing schools for children with special needs to become academies.
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