Mr David Nicholson

Cyn MP ar gyfer Taunton

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr David Nicholson is a former MP for Taunton.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Prayers: Dairy Industry 12 Mar 1997

    A few moment ago the hon. Gentleman vigorously castigated the Labour party for playing politics. I wonder if I can tempt him to say something about the consequences for the dairy industry, abattoirs and others—particularly in the south-west, where concerns have recently been expressed—of the Labour party playing politics over meat hygiene?
  • Meat Hygiene Service (Report) 6 Mar 1997

    Does my right hon. and learned Friend have a view about why the earlier, and it seems unsatisfactory, draft of the report, which appears to have been lurking around since the end of 1995, should have been given to the press in March 1997? Does he agree that people involved in farming and the meat industry will not easily forgive those who, for purely political reasons, seek to generate a...
  • Prayers: Asylum Seekers 5 Mar 1997

    My hon. Friend is exploiting a rich seam and she is doing so assiduously. Is she aware that there is widespread resentment? This morning, I was reading a letter from a constituent of mine, who has fallen into a Catch 22 situation between health and social service provision, about the assistance that is available to people who do not have the right to reside in Britain, yet are milking not...

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