Mr John Golding

Cyn MP ar gyfer Newcastle-under-Lyme

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr John Golding is a former MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Procedure 27 Feb 1986

    I want to talk, first, about the Government amendment to curb exceptionally long speeches. I was hurt to hear the hon. Member for Honiton (Sir P. Emery) suggest that the measure was prompted by my 11¼-hour speech, which has gone into the "Guinness I3ook of Records" and has been celebrated in cartoon by P.C. Nuttall. I do not regard an 11¼-hour speech as exceptionally long. Be that as it...
  • Procedure 27 Feb 1986

    My right hon. Friend of the five guillotine motions supports my hon. Friend's view of the supremacy of Parliament. I have reservations and I have placed them down as amendments. It is a relief to me that they were not called, because Members would have had to vote on them at 7 o'clock on a Thursday and that would have made me very unpopular. The usual channels must not be undermined. I think...
  • Procedure 27 Feb 1986

    That is what most of us do. Most of us are loyal to our parties and loyal to the promise that we made to our electorate to support the party. If I were the Secretary of State on a Committee that was timetabled, my first thought would be to find a young man who wanted to make his name and who was prepared to talk and talk and talk in support of the Government, thereby squeezing out Opposition...

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