Mr Ronald Williams

Cyn MP ar gyfer Wigan

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Ronald Williams is a former MP for Wigan.

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Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Clause 1. — (General Provision as to Recreational and Similar Trusts, etc.) 18 Feb 1958

    Perhaps it will help the discussion if I say that when I first looked at the Amendment I was very much attracted by it; but, on reflection, I felt that it was wrong to look at the Bill as if it were in complete isolation from all that we know about the law relating to charity. That is to say, if all the courts had to do was to construe the Clauses of the Bill with nothing else at all to help...
  • Clause 1. — (General Provision as to Recreational and Similar Trusts, etc.) 18 Feb 1958

    The hon. Member has gone so widely outside the terms of his Amendment that, since we have already debated the point that he is now raising, and since that point has been resolved by his withdrawal of an earlier Amendment, he is beginning to strain the patience of some hon. Members. He is going over the same argument, upon an Amendment to which it has no relevance.

    Mr. Ronald Williams (Wigan) indicated assent

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