Hon. John Grimston

Cyn MP ar gyfer St Albans

About your former Member of Parliament

Hon. John Grimston is a former MP for St Albans.

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Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • East-West Trade 13 Jun 1958

    Will the hon. Member take it from me that I know rather more about this than he does and that what he said about United States producers is not true? The Chilean sales of copper wire to China were organised by the official Chilean authorities concerned and the United States companies had no hand whatever in the deal. In fact, they used all their strength to oppose it.
  • East-West Trade 13 Jun 1958

    The hon. Member for Reading (Mr. Mikardo) made a great deal of the difficulties in and possible evasions of the Co-com scheme which we are operating and which many of our foreign competitors also operate. I hope to have something to say about that later on. It seems to me that the whole sense of the hon. Member's speech and of earlier speeches in the debate was that we are clearly in favour...
  • East-West Trade 13 Jun 1958

    There may be divided opinions on this point. I am prepared to admit that, but the foreign exchange earnings of this country have been greatly reduced by that fact, of which I will give any hon. Member chapter and verse if he wishes.

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Hon. John Grimston

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