Sir Harwood Harrison

Cyn MP ar gyfer Eye

About your former Member of Parliament

Sir Harwood Harrison is a former MP for Eye.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Oral Answers to Questions — Prime Minister (Engagements): Inland Revenue (Discretion) 27 Mar 1979

    I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for giving way, and also for speaking about the TAVR. I should like him to know that, in a number of TAVR units, those who are designated on mobilisation to go to Germany straight from their fields and factories, or to take their part against the enemy, are provided with equipment at least up to the standard of the Regulars. It is those who are second in...
  • House of Commons (Refreshment Facilities) 26 Mar 1979

    Once again we are discussing the statement on Defence Estimates. I assume that the Minister has read it through. I read it through for the first time. In all respects, I found it rather dull and unimaginative. I am certain that all hon. Members are activated by the same motive—to preserve peace. What divides us is the way in which that should be achieved. Men and women who think that they...
  • Road Traffic (Seat Belts) Bill 22 Mar 1979

    My assessment of the debate is that it is between those who think that if the Bill goes through their liberties will be curtailed and those who think it vital that the Bill should go through to save lives and money and the time of the police, nurses and doctors in doing certain jobs. We all have a number of liberties, many of which we have given up in war and at other times. We have to weigh...

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