Sir Stanley Reed

Cyn MP ar gyfer Aylesbury

About your former Member of Parliament

Sir Stanley Reed is a former MP for Aylesbury.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Orders of the Day — India (Consequential Provision) Bill 5 Dec 1949

    I feel that very little can be added to the speech of the Minister and that of my right hon. Friend the Member for Saffron Walden (Mr. R. A. Butler), who put our case with such admirable lucidity and such full knowledge. I propose, if I may, in a few sentences to bring this discussion back to the high note of seriousness which characterised the speeches of the Minister, of my right hon....
  • Orders of the Day — Festival of Britain (Supplementary Provisions) Bill 29 Nov 1949

    I wish to put to the Minister the tremendous importance of the protection of the gardens from destruction during the time the Exhibition is being held and their reinstatement. We all share the apprehension of the dreadful effects of an invasion of Scotsmen in Battersea Park. As one of the few hon. Members who really know Battersea Park and admire the skill in which it has been laid out and...
  • Orders of the Day — Festival of Britain (Supplementary Provisions) Bill 29 Nov 1949

    I wish to make clear what I meant when I said that senior park keepers should have magisterial powers. I use the parks a great deal and I can assure the Minister that we shall never get rid of the nuisance caused by thoughtless and vicious persons until they can be fined on the spot. They could be given the option of going to court. It is a practice not unknown in other countries, and it has...

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