Mr George Ward

Cyn MP ar gyfer Worcester

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr George Ward is a former MP for Worcester.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • R.a.F. Transport Command Aircraft (Incident) 26 Oct 1960

    Her Majesty the Queen was returning yesterday from Copenhagen in a Comet of Royal Air Force Transport Command. At about 11 o'clock, when the aircraft was flying at a height of 35,000 feet near the Ems estuary, the co-pilot saw two fighters which approached the Comet head on and passed very close to it. These fighters appeared to bear the markings of the Federal German Air Force. I have set...
  • R.a.F. Transport Command Aircraft (Incident) 26 Oct 1960

    Yes, Sir. As the hon. Member knows, one of the main objects of Eurocontrol is to ensure the safety of air navigation, both military and civil, in the upper air space. As my right hon. Friend told the House in June this year, a draft agreement has already been approved in principle.
  • R.a.F. Transport Command Aircraft (Incident) 26 Oct 1960

    I am sure that my right hon. Friend the Minister of Aviation shares the anxiety of every hon. Member in the House to get this matter settled. Perhaps the hon. Member will address his questions to my right hon. Friend.

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