Mr George Buchanan

Cyn MP ar gyfer Glasgow Gorbals

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr George Buchanan is a former MP for Glasgow Gorbals.

What you can do


Cyn MP am Glasgow Gorbals

Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 15 Tachwedd 1922 — Etholiad cyffredinol

Gadawodd y Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 2 Gorffennaf 1948 — unknown

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Artificial Limbs 1 Jul 1948

    I will, with permission, make a statement to the House on artificial limbs. As I told the House on 22nd June, I have been holding discussions with representatives of the artificial limb industry regarding supplies of these articles for the disabled as a part of the National Health Service. I am now glad to say that satisfactory arrangements have been agreed between us which will enable every...
  • Artificial Limbs 1 Jul 1948

    These matters have been the subject of discussion, and I have gone into this scheme very thoroughly. I hope that this scheme will not go on without a review at a comparatively early period, but in the early stages I must insist on a limb fitting surgeon. These are men in the medical profession who are accepted as knowing their job extremely well. While I am on my feet, may I say to the...
  • Artificial Limbs 1 Jul 1948

    The Ministry have a service at their disposal in connection with improvements to artificial limbs, and we spend a considerable amount of money and time on research. It is our purpose not only to make the results of this research available to the main Government contractors, but to make them available to every maker of artificial limbs.

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