Mr Clement Davies

Cyn MP ar gyfer Sir Drefaldwyn

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Clement Davies is a former MP for Sir Drefaldwyn.

What you can do


Cyn MP am Sir Drefaldwyn

Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 30 Mai 1929 — Etholiad cyffredinol

Gadawodd y Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 23 Mawrth 1962 — Wedi marw

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Orders of the Day — London Government 20 Feb 1962

    I realise that a great number of hon. Members with constituencies in the area wish to take part in this debate, so I shall speak very briefly. Although I have lived in London for the last fifty-nine years, I still do not regard myself as a true Londoner, but I think that I ought to intervene, for I had responsibility for two Reports before this Report was issued by the Royal Commission...
  • Orders of the Day — London Government 20 Feb 1962

    I quite agree. I am dealing with the later Committee and the regional authority. On that we were unanimous. There was disagreement on other matters, but on the main point there was complete agreement. I had hoped that what has now been done would be done at that time but, instead, inquiries were made of local authorities, and the proposal fell through. Nothing came of it. As I have said, I...
  • Orders of the Day — Commonwealth Immigrants Bill: Clause 1. — (Application of Part I.) 6 Feb 1962

    The more I consider this Bill, and particularly this Clause, which is the operative part of the for the rest of it is merely the machinery by which the operation can be carried out, the more disappointed, the more distressed, and the more bitter I become about it. I have been in public life for well over half a century. This is the most retrograde Bill that has even been introduced during my...

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Mr Clement Davies

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