Mr Charles Morrison

Cyn MP ar gyfer Devizes

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Charles Morrison is a former MP for Devizes.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Selective Investment Brokers 3 Mar 1992

    In almost 28 years in the House, this is only the second occasion on which I have the Adjournment debate. It will almost certainly be the last, because I shall not he here after the next election. The matter which I propose to raise is of great importance to many unfortunate people, and I am pleased to have this opportunity to air their real grievances and to call on the Government to...
  • Orders of the Day — Wild Mammals (Protection) Bill 14 Feb 1992

    Surely what matters is not what the hon. Gentleman says, but what is in the Bill. What is in the Bill would be enormously detrimental to shooting.
  • Orders of the Day — Wild Mammals (Protection) Bill 14 Feb 1992

    What about clause 1? The hon. Gentleman must consider clause 1. Counsel's opinion is that clause 1 could be enormously disadvantageous to shooting.

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