Mr Robert Bourne

Cyn MP ar gyfer Oxford

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Robert Bourne is a former MP for Oxford.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Notices of Motions (Returns, etc.).: Select Committees. 27 Jul 1938

    No, Sir. I think these are ordinary Sessional Orders. These are not printed as a normal rule, but the information is required for the officers of the House, and also for the Select Committees on Procedure when they are set up. It is merely to authorise the Clerk of the House to keep up the information.
  • Private Business. 26 Jul 1938

    The effect of some of the Amendments is to increase the obligations of the promoters as to rendering accounts; the remainder are of a protective or drafting nature.
  • Private Business. 26 Jul 1938

    The Amendments consist of a protective Clause and two drafting Amendments.

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