Sir Henry Slesser

Cyn MP ar gyfer Leeds South East

About your former Member of Parliament

Sir Henry Slesser is a former MP for Leeds South East.

What you can do


Cyn MP am Leeds South East

Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 29 Hydref 1924 — Etholiad cyffredinol

Gadawodd y Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 30 Mehefin 1929 — unknown

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Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • COMPANIES BILL [Lords]. 29 Apr 1929

    As a member of the Joint Committee on Consolidation Bills, I can assure my hon. Friend the Member for Rochdale (Mr. Kelly) that this Clause does no more than repeat a Section of the Act of 1928, and, therefore, if the necessity for consultation arose, it arose when that Act was being passed.
  • Parochial Registers and Records Measure, 1929. 29 Apr 1929

    The hon. and gallant Member is perfectly right in commending this Measure to the House. It is a tragedy that some such Measure was not law years ago. The wanton and idle destruction of ecclesiastical registers and records in the past has made the work of compiling history a matter of great difficulty. We must be grateful to think that in the future these registers will be kept in a proper...
  • Westminster Abbey Measure, 1929. 29 Apr 1929

    I beg to second the Motion.

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