Dr Thomas Shiels

Cyn MP ar gyfer Edinburgh East

About your former Member of Parliament

Dr Thomas Shiels is a former MP for Edinburgh East.

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Cyn MP am Edinburgh East

Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 29 Hydref 1924 — Etholiad cyffredinol

Gadawodd y Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 7 Hydref 1931 — Etholiad cyffredinol

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Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Orders of the Day — National Economy Bill. 29 Sep 1931

    I think it will be agreed that it is not easy at this stage to say anything new about the Economy Bill, as the points involved have been very well covered in the course of the Debate. Before we take a vote upon it, however, it is desirable that we should emphasise what we on this side believe to be the real meaning of this Measure. Is it what it seeks to be, namely, a Bill to ensure economies...
  • Orders of the Day — National Economy Bill. 29 Sep 1931

    I do not mean to say that it has always been accurately fixed at the subsistence level. I meant that the standard was that of the subsistence level, and the standard of subsistence may vary under different dispensations. I repeat that the standard of life of the unemployed man has been fixed on the subsistence basis. There is no question about that, and I need not emphasise the points which...
  • Orders of the Day — National Economy Bill. 29 Sep 1931

    No, but the hon. and gallant Member knows that I was not referring to that, but that I was referring to the developments foreshadowed by the Royal Commission. Further, I want to point out that this National Health Insurance is a vital service. We do not sufficiently emphasise, in view of the wonderful developments of medical and surgical skill that these ought to be available in full and...

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Dr Thomas Shiels

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