Mr Julian Ridsdale

Cyn MP ar gyfer Harwich

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Julian Ridsdale is a former MP for Harwich.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Manufacturing Industry 16 Oct 1991

    Will the hon. Gentleman be generous enough to admit that this month Nissan is creating 1,000 new jobs in the north-east?
  • Manufacturing Industry 16 Oct 1991

    I was interested in the little argument about the Toyota plant and Nissan plants because I have visited them both. I assure the hon. Member for Bassetlaw (Mr. Ashton) that the RB211 plant is as recognised and as advanced in technology as any plant that I have visited in Japan. I remember going to Japan with the hon. Member for Bassetlaw and Joe Harper, who is no longer with us. He was an...
  • Manufacturing Industry 16 Oct 1991

    The hon. Gentleman's comments are misguided. My experience of the Japanese market is that our exports to Japan have almost doubled in the past three years. With the priority campaign that now exists, it is up to us to test the market. I think that the hon. Gentleman's remarks are out of date, but I do not want to be too emphatic because I am trying to keep the argument on a low key and not to...

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