Mr Ian Mikardo

Cyn MP ar gyfer Bow and Poplar

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Ian Mikardo is a former MP for Bow and Poplar.

What you can do


Cyn MP am Bow and Poplar

Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 5 Gorffennaf 1945 — Etholiad cyffredinol

Gadawodd y Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 18 Mai 1987 — Etholiad cyffredinol

Also represented Tower Hamlets Bethnal Green and Bow; Poplar; Reading; Reading South

Future MPs in this constituency

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Inner Cities 27 Apr 1987

    Will the Minister kindly tell me where in Docklands he is holding his lush high-profile public relations exercise tomorrow? Would it be in one of the penthouse flats being made available to my constituents at no more than £375,000 a time, or would it be in the workshop of one of the 50 or 60 small and medium-sized firms that are presently being driven out, with their employees being put out...
  • Orders of the Day — Obscene Publications Bill 3 Apr 1987

    It is clear from the debate so far that there are substantial differences of view about the Bill. Those differences cut across party lines. It is entirely proper that that should be so in respect of a private Member's Bill, since it is not Government legislation. As further sharp differences will he expressed during the debate, I shall begin my speech by making at least one point on which we...
  • Orders of the Day — Obscene Publications Bill 3 Apr 1987

    That is unworthy, too. If I have said something that impugns the Minister's integrity, of course I apologise for it absolutely and unreservedly. I shall deal later with the concept of the reasonable person and why something may be grossly offensive. The problem is that it is subjective; one man's meat is another man's entrecote maitre d'hotel. The difference is in taste—de gustibus non est...

Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Mr Ian Mikardo

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