Sir Cyril Entwistle

Cyn MP ar gyfer Bolton

About your former Member of Parliament

Sir Cyril Entwistle is a former MP for Bolton.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • General Election (Polling Date) 31 May 1945

    May I ask whether the alteration of the date to 12th July will affect the dates for nomination and for the announcement of the poll?
  • Oral Answers to Questions — General Election: Palling Date 29 May 1945

    As my constituency is one of those affected, may I ask the Prime Minister whether it would be possible, by a short Bill, to arrange that those constituencies which are on holiday should vote on the Monday or, alternatively, that they should be able to vote, say, at Blackpool or one of those holiday places?
  • Employment Policy 21 Jun 1944

    I do not know who drafted the White Paper, but its diction does not seem to bear the imprint of the regular civil servant mind. I expect that Lord Keynes had something to do with the drafting. I think we are all agreed it is a brilliantly written document, and much more interesting to read than the normal White Paper. To my constituents when I have had to declare my viewe on industrial...

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