Mr George Duckworth

Cyn MP ar gyfer Shrewsbury

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr George Duckworth is a former MP for Shrewsbury.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Housing 23 Mar 1945

    My hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Salisbury (Major Morrison) has raised a number of important points in connection with rural housing, to which the Minister will no doubt give his consideration. I wish, also, to say something about the rural housing problem, but to emphasise that it cannot be divorced from the general housing problem. There can be no doubt at all about the strength of...
  • House of Commons (Rebuilding) 25 Jan 1945

    I beg to move, to leave out from "House," to the end of the Question, and to add; while accepting the Select Committee's recommendations in respect of the dimensions, general plan and increased amenities of the new House of Commons Chamber, cannot approve the Gothic architectural design submitted by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott until alternative designs have been invited from other leading British...
  • House of Commons (Rebuilding) 25 Jan 1945

    I will come to that point later. It is a tradition that is inspired by scientific development and the speed of the modern world. Every tradition must have had its beginning although there may be no clearly defined lines which can be drawn, dating the beginning or the end. It certainly would be a most profound mistake to suppose that periods of turbulence, upheaval, instability and war, such...

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